Grimaldi RoRo shipping from Portugal to Lagos - Nigeria.
Left hand drive Volvo F12 Intercooler 360 HP 6X2 tipper
Left hand drive DAF 85 360 ATI 6X4 tipper
1980 FIAT 640 farm tractor
1977 FIAT 640 farm tractor
Left hand drive Volvo F12 Intercooler 360 HP 6X2 tipper
Left hand drive DAF 85 360 ATI 6X4 tipper
1980 FIAT 640 farm tractor
1977 FIAT 640 farm tractor
1977 FIAT 640 farm tractor
Left hand drive Volvo F12 Intercooler 360 HP 6X2 tipper
Left hand drive DAF 85 360 ATI 6X4 tipper
1980 FIAT 640 farm tractor
1977 FIAT 640 farm tractor
Scania DSC12 400 HP Euro 2 manual pump engine & Scania GRS900 12 speed manual gearbox with retarder.
Left hand drive Toyota Dyna 300 14B 7.5 ton 3 way tipper.
Left hand drive DAF 85 360 ATI 10 tyres 6X4 26 ton tipper
1977 FIAT 640 farm tractor
1980 FIAT 640 farm tractor